Shatford Memorial Elementary

SAC-School Advisory Council 2023-2024


What is a School Advisory Council (SAC)?

SACs bring together school stakeholders and individuals from local communities who share an interest in promoting student success. They provide parents/guardians, school staff, community members and when appropriate, students, with a voice to influence decisions that have an impact on student learning and well-being. As advisory bodies, SAC’s bring partners together to provide principals and regional centers of education (RCE’s) with advice that reflects the best interests of students from the point of view of the school community. SACs receive their authority from the Education Act (2018).

What are some of the Duties and Responsibilities of a School Advisory Council (SAC)?

The duties and responsibilities of an SAC include:

Participating in the creation of the SAC Agreement and by-laws
Collaborating to improve student achievement and well-being
Providing feedback on school practices and initiatives
Providing feedback on provincial policies
Oversite for SAC grant spending decisions


School Advisory Council Agreement  
Provincial School Advisory Council Checklist


Please link you school SAC Agreement here.  
HRCE SAC Documents and Communications  
HRCE SAC Information
How do I contact my School Advisory Council (SAC)?

Louisa Benedicto is our school Chair . Yoy can contact her 

at the following email address:


Place your SAC  gnspes email address here








Members of our School Advisory Council (SAC) 2022-23



Principal: Sarah Wile

Chair: Louisa Benedicto

Parent: Kate Brown

Staff member: Paula Brigley

Staff member: Tanya Pelly

Community Member:Arlene Duggan


List all meeting dates here once set at your first meeting.

Meeting Dates & Times 2023-2024 Meeting Summaries
Oct 3, 6:30pm

Review Procedures/Bylaws

Overview of School Success Planning

Sharing results of Recent Assessment Data

Make agenda for next meetings

November 14th @ 6:30pm Review of Lunch Options
January 30th @ 6:30pm Evaluation of Lunch Option and wht next steps
February 27th @ 6:30pm Review of School Wide Data, School Funds and SAC innovation Grant
April 30th @ 6:30pm. Meeting with Savoury Plate to discuss School Lunches
May 6th @ 6:30pm. Discussion about plans for next Year- Class configurations and school lunches