Shatford Memorial Elementary

Delayed Opening due to Inclement Weather

Dear Shatford Families,

If weather conditions warrant, the Halifax Regional Centre for Education could implement a delayed opening.  Delayed openings would be considered when a severe weather event has concluded but snow clearing or other operations require additional time.  Delayed opening may also be considered when the physical plant is experiencing an issue such as a power outage or loss of water and additional time is required to prepare the school to open.  If this was to occur, school and pre-Primary would be delayed by two hours.  In our school, this means school would start at 10:05.  If Stock Transportation is operating, the expectation will be that students are picked up two hours later than their regularly assigned time pending any weather-related delays.  Our lunch, afternoon schedule and dismissal times will remain at their regularly scheduled times.  The Excel program will be cancelled for the morning only and the afternoon program will operate as per usual.